Now located on the lower level adjacent to the Children's room, our brand new Teen Center is now its own space!
Serving teens ages 12-18 or grades 6-12.
Visit the teen center to read, craft, game on a computer, study, relax, or just hang out. Get book recommendations or research assistance from your Teen Librarian, Kayla. Come to Open Gaming on Fridays to play the Switch or PS5. And be on the lookout for special events like laser tag or one of our librarian-created escape rooms. The Teen Center is THE place for Coventry teens.
And pro tip: Miss. Rachel works the desk most nights, and LOVES to help students with math homework. Science too!
Serving teens ages 12-18 or grades 6-12.
Visit the teen center to read, craft, game on a computer, study, relax, or just hang out. Get book recommendations or research assistance from your Teen Librarian, Kayla. Come to Open Gaming on Fridays to play the Switch or PS5. And be on the lookout for special events like laser tag or one of our librarian-created escape rooms. The Teen Center is THE place for Coventry teens.
And pro tip: Miss. Rachel works the desk most nights, and LOVES to help students with math homework. Science too!
In keeping with Young Adult Library Services Association guidelines, the Teen Center and its events are strictly reserved for teens (ages 12-18 or grades 6-12), staff, and designated adult mentors only. This is a space of their own. Younger and older patrons, including teens' parents/caregivers, are welcome into the Teen Center for a short time to retrieve items from the collections only. Thank you.
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BANDWe now use the BAND group communication app for ALL Teen Center Updates.
Here you can:
Our BAND has high privacy settings, and is also available on "BAND Kids"
EmailsPrefer a traditional email newsletter? No spam! Kayla sends emails about Teen Center stuff about once a month.